Effective Team Communication

Effective Team Communication

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Post #6: Reflection on principles of communication/teamwork on programming and problem-solution projects

CG1413 has been a module of self-discovery for me. Working in a team for a module for the first time, I have learned not just about myself, but also about others and how to interact effectively in a team such that I can benefit the team using my strengths. In this post, I would reflect and summarise what I have learnt from this module.

I have found out that being an extrovert, it is easier for me to approach new people. I can be an asset as a leader as I would be able to quickly open up with people and help them open up with each other. I have also found out that I can use my voice and expressions to my advantage and have a knack for spontaneity and thinking on my feet.

However, my confidence can become my weakness if it turns into overconfidence, as what happened in Oral Presentation 1, where I had not prepared my presentation, thinking I would give an impromptu, and ended up getting nervous and stuttering during the presentation.

Another area I need to work on is my approach to problems. Coming from a competitive background, I have a more straight-forward way of talking to people. However, the work environment in Singapore promotes a politer behaviour. I need to be less aggressive in conflict-resolution lest I might come off as authoritarian. I realised this while working in a team for one of my modules. Even though my group-mate didn’t say anything, I could tell that something I said had pinched him. I talked to him later and it turned out that I had indeed hurt his feelings unknowingly.

Working in a multi-cultural environment is very different from working with people from same background. Some people may not be comfortable interacting with those with different nationalities or accents. It is the responsibility of everyone in a team to ensure that these people get enough opportunities to present their views. For instance, Dam Long was very shy in the beginning of semester and would not speak much in meetings. However, as we encouraged (or even forced at times) him to speak, he became more confident and the result was very evident in Oral Presentation 2.

Overall, this module has been a learning journey and I say this not just for the sake of saying it but because I actually felt it. Even though the soft skills we learn are intangible, I have started to see its effects. I am now better at expressing my views and am more receptive of other people’s opinions. These skills would go a long way in improving my social and professional interaction in future.


  1. Dear Anuj,

    Its good that you're an extrovert. You tend to have good relationship with people as you're open and friendly.

    However, as your groupmate, there's one thing I would like to caution you about. I realise that at times you're unprepared/have not had enough preparation for an important event(example would be OP1 as you've mentioned). This has drastic consequences like you've mentioned. I also would like to add that a good preparation before an important event will increase the likehood that you'll do well. In addition to that, you can spot out weakness early before the actual presentation during the preparatory stage.

    It's good that you learn about Singapore's polite environment. As you live longer here in Singapore, you'll find out even more distinction from what you've experienced in your culture/country. This is what CG1413 exposed us, different cultures/nationalities.

    I view you as someone who's patient. During our preparation for OP2, there were several time where I was frustrated but somehow you look calm and composed(I dunno abt the inside). It's a good character traits as most people will like you and maybe give you high grades during peer appraisal.

    That's all Anuj. I thank you for the memorable time we had during OP2. Good luck for your upcoming exams.


  2. Dear Anuj,

    Thank you a lot for helping me during this semester. I want to say that what I have learned from this modules is not only what Ms. Brenda teaches me so far but also from my teammates. I still remember when we prepare for the Oral Presentation 2, you did help me to improve my skills but due to the lack of time , I cannot well apply them in to my OP2.

    You are true when saying that confidence will be very dangerous if it become overconfidence. However, It is a long way until I have a confidence level such as yours. You are suitable for the role of a leader, and the fact is that you were a very good leader.

    A multi-cultural environment like the one in Singapore requires very good communication skills and also a good environment to apply those skills. What we have learned from CG1413 will definitely give us a lot of advantages in the future.

    Lastly, I hope that I will have another opportunity to work with you in the future, so that I can learn more from you.

    Dam Tuan Long

  3. Dear Anuj,

    In our project, we didn’t formally assign anyone to be the leader. But, you took naturally took on the role. As you’ve said in your post, you are able to relate well with everyone in the group. Thus, whenever we have problems, you are the first person we approach. Overall, you did a pretty good job as the leader. You were responsible. You set goals for the group and did tons of work to ensure the team is heading in the right direction. Now, all you need to do is to stop denying that you are the leader. :)

    While it is good to be confident, being too confident is not a good thing. Deciding that you didn’t need to prepare for oral presentation 1 is definitely not a smart thing to do. After all, it’s graded and contributes to our grades!

    It is also good to hear that you’ve realized that sometimes it’s a good idea to watch what you say. It is easy to offend others from other backgrounds with a few careless words.

    Lastly, I would like to say that I’ve really learnt a lot from your pointers while preparing for oral presentation 2. I would definitely like to work together with you again in future.


  4. Dear Anuj,

    You are extrovert indeed. As you have said, this is why you have a gift for quickly opening up with new people. I remember in one of our first few classes when we were asked to share with the group a story that surprised ourselves, you were the first one to share. You shared with us one of your interesting stories in JC and I was the one then who retold it to the whole class. Believe it or not, your out-going left me with a deep impression at that time, though that was the first time we had discussion together as a team.

    As for your approach to problems, I think since you are able to realize it, you actually have more or less solved it. Usually it is not easy for a straight forwards person to notice the problem; therefore it is somehow hard for them to solve it.

    Last but not least, it is joyous working with you. Good luck for your exams as well.


  5. Dear all,

    Thank you for your generous comments. I am very touched. I must thank each and every one of you for the memorable time we had. I don't know if I have said it before, but I had 5 project modules, and this team was THE one where I had the most meaningful time.

    Thank You Ferrino for all your jokes, keeping the environment light. You knew very well when to work seriously and when to insinuate jokes. Also, you were the one who kick-started our project. If not for you, we would have missed the very first deadline in our project! I still remember the date, 19 March.

    Thank You Russell for your sincerity on the project. You gave a direction to all our meetings, and the project in general. You are very clear in your thoughts and know very well how to organise things. If not for you, what would we have done all those times when we were stuck!

    Thank You Dam Long for your willingness to learn. It was something which motivated me to perform well, because I knew that you would learn from every contribution I made. It pushed me to perform better. You made an unmatchable contribution to our presentation in terms of slides. What would we have done without your expertise!

    Thank You ShiYan for your ideas during the project. Creativity and confidence are your strengths. Hold on to them. You did your parts ahead of time, and extended help to others. If not for you, who would we have turned to when we needed help!

    Have a great time preparing for exams. Remember, we are all in this together! 3 more weeks, and we would be free for 3 whole months. Allow me to try my Mandarin here: "Jia You!"

