Effective Team Communication

Effective Team Communication

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Post #5 Reflection on Oral presentation 2

My blogging group had the presentation on the CELC Project on 22 March. I feel that our team, on a whole, did very well. We were able to effectively present our problem and solutions, and satisfactorily answered most of the questions in the Q&A round. However, there is always room for improvement and this is what I noticed about myself.

The first thing that shouted at me in the video of our presentation was that I should have given more chance to my group-mates to give the answers in the Q&A round. Whenever I knew the answer to a question, I would step up, thinking that my group-mates might not know it. What I should have done, instead, was to let the others present their views, and then add on to their answers if required.

I also realised that some of my points weren't as well received as I had anticipated. For instance, not many found my hip-hop dance video funny. A good strategy here would have been practicing the presentation in front of group-mates and noticing their response, which would give a gauge of how well I'm able to carry my point across.

Despite these glitches, I’m satisfied with my presentation. I was energetic and had a personal tone with which the audience could relate, as remarked by someone in the audience later.

As for our team, not only was our end product good, the journey to that was a pleasant one. I can passionately say that I had an enjoyable time working with my group-mates. The disagreements were solved in the most rational way possible, everyone was considerate to others and we all were more than willing to help each other out. We started out as a group and ended up a a team. This experience is what matters the most to me!


  1. Dear Anuj,

    I’m glad to be part of your wonderful experience.

    Firstly, I would like to comment that you’re one natural speaker. You have the flair to speak without a script and respond to a question almost instantaneously, something which I couldn’t do. Maybe one of the similarities that we share is our natural flair for humour and nonsense.

    However, it was true that you didn’t allow others to speak, which is one of my criteria for an effective team. Sometimes, I feel inferior after you answered most of the questions. It would be beneficial to the whole team to have Q&A answered by the whole team, thus making the positive impression that it was done by the whole group.

    I would also like to add a few improvements to your presentation. You can complement future presentations with creative visual aids such as videos or cool animations. A simple, funny youtube video can make your ‘hip hop dance part’ funny than the animation u bring in.

    I enjoyed working with someone like you. It was indeed a good experience.


  2. Hi Anuj,

    To me, I really enjoy your group presentation. It was clear, coherent and funny enough to keep the audience follow. Besides, about your part, I feel that you were very energetic and confident. These are very good points that you need to keep and improve in the future.

    If I have to say one thing you really need to improve, that is you should care about time-management while presenting!

    It is my pleasure to see your presentation.


  3. Dear Anuj,

    Personally, I think that your dance animation is funny. Most the class is just not giving you their full attention; they were focusing on working on their scripts/preparing themselves to present next. That’s why you didn’t hear much laughter. What I think could be done is to add sound to the animation. It would really help capture attention.

    During the Q&A session, you were adding on to almost every answer from the rest of us. I think this makes the group look bad, as if the rest of us were not as familiar with the project. A possible improvement is to not add on. Just let the answer stand (unless it’s really terrible), and wait for clarifications from the audience. I think this would give the impression that everyone is answering questions.

    Overall, I think that you are a really good speaker. You are speech is very energetic, you have a very personal tone and you are able to come up with many good points even while being grilled by the class.

    I’ve enjoyed working with you and have learned loads from your pointers during our rehearsals.


  4. Hi Anuj,

    Working with you on that project was a very pleasant experience. You did help me a lot, especially when we rehearsed. And I think that I have to practice a lot to become as good as you.

    During the presentation, you was very energetic and confident. I personally think that your dance video is funny.

    Though we did well, it would be even better if we could manage the time. Adding some sounds to the slides would be good too. It not only makes the presentation more interesting but also capture the audience's attendance better.

    Dam Tuan Long

  5. Dear Ferrino,
    I totally agree that we do share a flare for humour!

    Hello Duy,
    I realise that our team did badly in terms of time-management. It was due to lack of rehearsals and wrong estimate of timing. I would be more careful about it in future presentations. By the way, did you find it draggy because of it being long? If you did, I would take special care of that in future.

    Dear Russell,
    I have to say I disagree with your opinion on answering during Q&A round. I admit that I should have let my team-mates speak before I spoke, but if someone feels that he has something to add on to his team-mate’s answer, I think that person should be given a chance of doing it. As long as he is not preventing his team-mates from presenting their views, he should be given the chance to present his views if he thinks it is relevant to the question asked.

    All my team-mates,
    I cannot express what a pleasurable experience working in this team has been for me! The best thing I like about our team is that we function like an ideal team, everyone helping each other out while sincerely doing his own part. We complement each other, and get along so well :)
    I would look forward to opportunities to team up with you in future project modules.

    Have a great day!
